


          Fiber laser marking machine

          Fiber laser marking machine

              Basic information

          商品名稱: 光纖激光打標(biāo)機(jī)
          商品編號: 光纖激光打標(biāo)機(jī)
          上架時間: 2015-05-21
          適用材料: 任何金屬(含稀有金屬)、不銹鋼、氧化鋁材質(zhì)、工程塑料、電鍍材料、鍍膜材料、噴涂材料、塑料橡膠、環(huán)氧樹脂、陶瓷、等材料。
          適用行業(yè): 蘋果外殼(iPhone)、氧化鋁、鋁合金、手機(jī)不銹鋼飾片、電子元器件、集成電路(IC)、電工電器、通訊產(chǎn)品、衛(wèi)浴潔具、工具配件、刀具、眼鏡鐘表、珠寶首飾、汽車配件、箱包飾扣、炊具、不銹鋼制品等行業(yè)。

              Product details

          Product introduction

          Trade name: fiber laser marking machine
          Product No.: fiber laser marking machine
          On sale time: 2015-05-21
          Applicable materials: Any metal (including rare metals), stainless steel, aluminium oxide, engineering plastic, electroplating material, spraying material, plastic, rubber, epoxy resin, ceramics, and other materials.
          Application: Cell phone case, alumina, aluminum alloy, electronic components, integrated circuit (IC), electrical engineering and electric apparatus, sanitary, tools, auto parts, stainless steel products and other industries.


          The product adopts fiber laser output laser and it realize marking function through high-speed scanning galvanometer system. Fiber laser marking machine has high electro-optical conversion rate. It has features such as small volume, high output beam quality, and high reliability. It can be used in engraving metallic and some non-metallic materials.


          Product features:  
          Excellent optical quality.
          ● Low cost.
          ● Long service life of laser.
          ● Small volume, suitable for severe environment.

          High speed.

          The fastest laser marking speed.

          Laser: the most cost-effective laser.

          Operating platform: adopts high-quality stainless steel profiles.

          Humanized software.

          Technical parameters

          Model WH-FM 10/WH-FM 20/WH-FM 30
          Tag parameters Laser field lens F-210 (optional)
          Marking range 150*150mm (optional)
          Minimum marking character 0.5mm
          Minimum mark width 0.25um
          Maximum linear marking speed ≤12000mm/s
          Repeat Accuracy ±0.01mm
          Optical quality M2 ≤1.8
          Laser output power ≤10W/≤20W/≤30W
          Marking laser Optical maser wavelength 1064nm
          Power stability (peak power) <5%rms
          Power stability (average power) <1%rms
          Pulse repetition rate 20KHZ~200KHZ
          Indicating laser Laser type/wavelength Ld red light, wavelength 650nm
          Output power ≤5mw
          Other Cooling Mode Air-cooled
          Operating ambient temperature 15℃~35℃
          Electric power requirement 220V/single phase/50HZ/2.5A
          Overall power consumption 0.5KW
          Software support AI/PLT/DXF/JPG/BMP/TIF and other formats



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          Copyright(C)2016, Weihuang Laser Equipment Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by Toocle Copyright Notice


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