


          Online flying fiber laser marking machine

          Online flying fiber laser marking machine

              Basic information

          商品名稱: 飛行在線光纖激光打碼機(jī)
          商品編號(hào): 飛行在線光纖激光打碼機(jī)
          上架時(shí)間: 2015-05-21
          適用材料: 任何金屬(含稀有金屬)、氧化鋁材質(zhì)、工程塑料、電鍍材料、鍍膜材料、噴涂材料、塑料橡膠、環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂、陶瓷、等材料。
          適用行業(yè): 模具行業(yè)、 食品包裝行業(yè)、手機(jī)不銹鋼飾片、電子元器件、集成電路(IC)、電工電器、通訊產(chǎn)品、衛(wèi)浴潔具、工具配件、刀具、眼鏡鐘表、珠寶首飾、汽車配件、箱包飾扣、炊具、不銹鋼制品等行業(yè)。

              Product details

          Product introduction

          Trade name: online flying fiber laser marking machine
          Product No.: online flying fiber laser marking machine
          On sale time: 2015-05-21
          Applicable materials: Any metal (including rare metals), alumina materials, engineering plastics, electroplating materials, coating materials, spraying materials, plastic rubber, epoxy resin, ceramics, and other materials.
          Application: Mould industry, food packing industry, electronic products, integrated circuit (IC), electrical engineering and electric apparatus, sanitary, and other industries.


          Excellent beam quality, small volume, high marking precision, high efficiency, maintenance-free, long service life, pollution-free, no noise, and etc.


          Product features:  
          1. Online flight fiber laser marking machine management to reduce production costs, reduce consumables costs, improve production efficiency to reduce management time.
          2. Anti-counterfeit effect is obvious, online flight fiber laser marking machine technology can effectively identify counterfeit products play an inhibitory effect.
          3. The product is conducive to product track record, laser marking machine can play product lot number production date, shift and so on. So that each one can get a good tracking performance.
          4. Increasing the added value, can make the product appear higher grade. Enhance brand awareness.
          5. With a mature industrial design, reliable performance, 24 hours of continuous work, laser maintenance time up to 100,000 hours. Wide temperature range (5 ℃ -45 ℃), widely used in various industries produce packaging.
          6. Environmental protection, safety, laser marking machine does not produce any harmful to humans and the environment of chemical substances. In line with GB7247-87; GB10320-88 standards. Is a high-tech environment-friendly products.
          7. This product can print in a very small range of large amounts of data, the laser beam can be fine marking material in the product itself, high marking precision, control accurate, clear and perfect interpretation of the print content, has strong market competitiveness, and environmental security, there is no resistance, completely cut off from the chemical pollution, the operator is also a close protection to ensure clean production site, reducing the post-investment, reduce noise pollution.


          Technical parameters




          Original IPG laser generator (optional)

          Marking Range

          100x100 150x150 200x200(mm)(optional)

          Cooling Mode


          Laser Repetition Rate


          Laser Power


          Optical maser wavelength


          Minimum Line Width


          Engraving Speed


          Repeat Accuracy


          Engraving Depth


          Minimum Characters


          Service Life

          Average 100,000 to 500,000 light whisper

          Dimensions (L x W x H)

          Power: 220V ± 5%

          Ambient temperature: -10 ℃ ~ 36 ℃

          Marking machine: 600mmx720mmx1100mm



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          Copyright(C)2016, Weihuang Laser Equipment Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by Toocle Copyright Notice


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